The flood relief scheme will comprise of five stages, as follows:

Stage I: Scheme Development and Design

Stage I will involve the collection of all relevant data.  A survey specification will be prepared, tendered and managed and a hydrological and hydraulic analysis of the study area will be carried out. A full cost-benefit analysis of the Scheme will also be undertaken.

Stage II: Planning

Stage II will involve preparation of all documentation required to progress the Scheme through the necessary planning, including public display, and other statutory processes.

Stage III: Detailed Construction Design and Tender

Stage III will involve detailed design, preparation of tender documents and a public competition to appoint a main works contractor.

Stage IV: Construction

Construction will be carried out by a works contractor, under supervision of the consultant, following a public procurement competition. A Functioning Scheme will be in place at the end of stage IV.

Stage V: Handover of Works 

Commission of the completion certificate. Preparation of a financial analysis report for the project.  ‘As-Built’ surveys, ‘As-Built’ flood mapping and an updated Climate Change Adaption plan will be prepared.