RPS have undertaken a Constraints Study. As part of the Constraints Study, walkover surveys were undertaken between September and December 2020 to identify features of interest from an environmental perspective and in particular to inform the ecological baseline of the study area. The preliminary walkover survey at this early stage allows consideration of any significant environmental constraints to the project design and to scope future specialist surveys required. The walkover survey had particular regard for protected habitats and species, including habitats/species listed in Annex I, II and IV of the EU Habitats Directive, protected species under the Wildlife Act and rare flora listed in the Flora Protection Order. The survey further considered the presence of invasive plant and animal species along with semi-natural habitats of conservational value. The final report and accompanying appendices can be found in the links below.

Castlefinn FRS Constraints Study Report

Castlefinn FRS Volume II Constraints Mapping

Castlefinn FRS AA Screening Document